The fruits of my labor, was a pond area removed of all leaves. (Too bad I can’t say the same for the pond!)
I cleaned the leaves out of the bog, it was great to see green sprouts in there! I don’t know how many plants made it, but at least I know some did! Of course I can’t wait till they really get growing and help with the algae.
The stream got a through cleaning too, leaves cleaned out and Oxi-lift poured over the rocks to kill of the string algae. The filters got a good cleaning too, messy job but makes a big difference.
The fish were happy with the tidying and were also enjoying the warming water I’m sure! As soon as all the leaves have been cleaned up and shredded we will be able to take the net off and get the debris out of the pond and the new plants in.
Spring has sprung at least a little!
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