Monday, May 25, 2015

Hounds & Hosta..

I can’t believe that it is almost June.  Things are growing so fast and I’m not just talking about the plants either!  When we brought Tucker home he was only 15 pounds, at last check in he was almost 23 pounds!
It is amazing how fast they grow and it makes life a little challenging when he isn’t keen on going down the porch steps to go out, my arms are getting some serious workouts.  We introduced him to his crate and it’s going remarkably well.  Except…
May 18 2015 (3)
Ally is pretty sure that she is supposed to be in there!  It’s funny when she goes in because he will stand outside and bark at her, he will not set a foot in there at all.  Today we had him outside with us while we were doing yard work and he decided he’d had enough.  Randy said he walked around the house and up onto the porch.  He opened the door and he said Tucker went right to his crate and flopped down.  He stayed in there for about an hour and a half sleeping while we kept working.  It’s the first time we’ve ever had a puppy that liked his crate!
Cooper loves Tucker, I’ll admit I’m a little jealous!
May 19 2015 (6)
He is so good with him and except for the occasional need to tell Cooper easy, they play so well together.  I look forward to Tucker being a little bigger and being able to run and play a little harder with Cooper.
May 18 2015 (5)
They do a lot of mouth play which to some would seem scary, but it’s just a dog thing.  Dakota and Zoe did the same thing when they were puppies together.  Caught in the act though the look they gave me was priceless..
May 18 2015 (1)
May 21 2015 (3)
The house is scattered with dog toys and is pretty much a disaster zone, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!  Seeing them play together, having them both cuddled next to me on the sofa is just the best thing in the world.  Plus they are so stinking cute you can’t help but smile! <3
Needless to say the outside chores have fallen to the wayside.  So spending some time outside this weekend was pretty nice.  I got a lot of jewel weed pulled out of the bed at the deck.  What I love though is looking down and seeing hosta, real honest to goodness hosta, with leaves!
That one in the right corner is huge, I’m talking giant and it’s so cool to see!  I didn’t even know I had a hosta that big!
We spread the mulch that was left in the driveway today, some made it to this bed but I’ll need more to finish it off.  Randy decided he wanted to plant something in this bed.
I’ve had this Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood for several years, growing in this pot.  I couldn’t plant it because the deer ate it to nothing but sticks.  So I kept it on the deck where they couldn’t get to it.  Now that the fence is in place it’s time for it to find a home and he chose the spot between the two decks.  It doesn’t get much more than 8’ tall and the spread is minimal, so this will be a great spot for it. 
May 24 2015 (2)
Sweet dreams…

The Lost Season

The weather this gardening season has not been conducive to gardening.  We had cold weather up through May.  Then the rains came and contin...