So here is one of my new “Original Freeman Beetle Trap” from Heartwood. It’s a screened bottom board that will help with controlling small hive beetles. That white tray can be filled with oil or water and the screen is large enough that if the bees chase the SHB down into the bottom, they fall through and die. These trays will also help count (and kill) varroa mites if those happen to get into the hives as well.
Plans for these abound on the internet so if you want to DIY just do a search, if however you are like Randy and want to see one and how it’s made before you dive in, these came from Heartwood. They are made of cypress and rust free mesh, it’s very sturdy and the joints are nice and tight. While I don’t look forward to dealing with SHB again, I am looking forward to putting the trays in place this Spring.
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