Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Woodchip Wednesday

Yes, I’m back with another blog post.  Why am I not outside you wonder?  Well I was, I went out a little after 8 am and worked like a gardener possessed, but then the weather came.  Which in all honesty was probably the only thing that was going to get me to stop working outside as, I’m a little hard headed like that.

I have in my head a million and one garden plans.  I committed myself (and probably should be committed!) to spending as much time outside as I possibly can.  Today I tackled the wood chip pile and the spreading of the woodchips behind the pond.  We had some trees taken down and they asked could they leave the woodchips and I said sure.  At first I was going to use them for the paths, but decided that was way too much work. Ha!  When I started out this morning I was happy and full of get up and go, go, GO!  By the time I got done my go was gone and I was actually glad the rain was starting!


I started at the front end down by the bog.


I worked my way back around to the front by the steps of the gazebo.


Finished it all off by stacking those fieldstones.  Now I’ve got a couple places that need a little more but wow did it make a huge difference in how it looks over there.


I decided that along this edge I’m going to plant some of the hosta that are being relocated as well as woodland poppies and some ragwort.  This area is a tough place for anything to grow so I need plants that are tenacious!  You can also see that I started my log edging Smile


That’s sort of cool looking isn’t it, I think it makes a good edge too.  For some reason I look at it and it makes me think of a stream bed coming out of a mountain.  I’m contemplating getting some of those blue glass stones and some blue glow in the dark stones and filling it in with them.  Hmm, maybe I’ll put a tiny gnome or faerie nearby, maybe even a faerie door….

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so pretty. If you keep going this way, you are going to end up having your place on one of the garden club tours. Really looks great! Looks like a lot of work!


The Lost Season

The weather this gardening season has not been conducive to gardening.  We had cold weather up through May.  Then the rains came and contin...