Today’s post is all about the befores and the afters…enjoy!

This before is a year ago, Spring showers and all that jazz, flooding our front walk. We’ve had drainage issues for a long time and they’ve only gotten worse over the years. Having to take your dogs out through the garage every single time it rains because the pond stays for a day or so after and the mud lasts longer than that, well it was time to fix it, plus it was UG-LY! The constant ponding of water and flooding have destroyed the front area, you can still see the mud spot right at the front edge of the walk. Oh and the poor grass, doesn’t stand a chance. It’s also not a secret that I HATE those landscape timbers!

Ready for the after?

How’s that for a improvement! I wish I could say that we did this on our own, but the only credit I can take is for the paver choice, the wall choice and the landscaper choice!
Acer Landscaping & Nursery did all the hard manual labor and I love them! Nick is the best ever and he will be coming back in the fall to do some more work for us and if I have my way even before that!!

In addition to the pavers, they did some grading to help direct any water and seeded this area for grass. It looks so much better already!
Before my flower bed with those heinous landscape timbers. (No they didn’t change the beds any, we cut those hollies down due to deer damage)

After with this beautiful fieldstone wall! This new wall just fits me and my style so much better. I want every bed that is next to the house to have this as it’s edge! I just LOVE it!!!
Before (and this isn’t the most recent look!) this was a bushy mess of stinky boxwoods and an over grown Japanese holly. I love evergreens, but this thing had made it’s way into the drive and had gotten so woody that there wasn’t much evergreen to it!

I know this ‘after’ doesn’t look like much, but here’s the kicker, they moved MY plants for me! The twiggy shrub to the back is a Kousa Dogwood that grew on it’s own far to close to my deck and it needed a new home. The arching shrub is a poorly pruned (last years fiasco in gardening help) Spirea that needed a new home with more sun. The little shrub there is a lily of the valley shrub (pieris japonica) that will grow up and be a medium size evergreen. I’ll be adding mulch, spring bulbs and some other perennials.

Before the poor lopsided Christmas tree that Randy’s parents planted. It wasn’t their fault that it grew lopsided, the trees behind it blocked all the sun and so it never filled out on the back. As it got taller it looked worse and worse. Randy cut it down a while ago and we had a big bare patch there.

The after shows Randy’s rock. Another lily of the valley shrub (pieris japonica), and 3 shrubs of mine that they moved. A French lilac and 2 Crepe Myrtles. I’ll do the same here with spring bulbs, perennials and mulch. Our poor dogwood is struggling, so I’m thinking of getting a pink one to plant near it to take ever when it finally succumbs. Anything that gets planted in the two new spots is going to be deer PROOF!

I don’t like plastic edging, this has been here since we moved in. It was time for it to go and since I had some leftover from the projects that were just completed, I went to work so this is the before.
Here’s the after.

I like this so much better, I love rocks, boulders, fieldstone as edging and accents!
So there you have it! Things they are improving around here and I’m really excited about that!!!