In order to get in I have to take bars out, preferably empty ones, ok so that isn’t so bad right? Well what happens when you move a bar and the bees have attached it to the side of the hive wall? Let me tell you it wasn’t good AT ALL! The comb came right off the top bar a huge overloaded piece of comb, now what? I have no clue but I know it can’t stay like that, so I close up the hive and I come in and read, read, read. Oh crap, I have to get that piece of comb out? I have to use string or rubber bands to attach it back to a top bar? How the heck am I going to do that, it’s covered with bees and honey and it’s soft. Grr….
Well I ditched the leather gloves for my trusted rubber ones, I took a cutting board and the two largest spatulas I had, some cotton string and scissors. Said a prayer and off I went back to the hive. I cut some string and placed it on my cutting board, I opened up the hive, found where the collapsed comb was and proceeded to remove it from the hive as gently as I could without too much crushing of it or bees. (I could feel the heat difference and the vibration from the girls buzzing so totally cool!) The comb was full of honey on the top and brood on the bottom, no wonder it was so heavy! I felt awful because some of the brood was destroyed
Now, I’m going to rant a little bit. Why in the world do people think they know better than nature? Why to do they think that the bees need to be ‘managed’? I truly believe that the bees know what they are doing, my intervention isn’t really needed. I don’t consider myself a bee keeper, but rather a bee guardian. I wanted bees because I like flowers, fruits and vegetables and thus I like bees and all the other pollinators too. If I could get away with doing nothing else but checking on them and making sure they have everything they need to be happy and healthy, that would be perfect with me. Some people in this world need to realize that despite what they think, nature knows far, far better than they ever will!
OH! I almost forgot, there was a small smackerel of honey on the cutting board and of course I had to taste it..yeah, it was pretty delish!
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