The fish are as happy as I am that spring is finally here! The wood frogs came back which made me really happy as I wasn't sure what they were going to do when they arrived and their previous mating pool had been replaced. They however found the water just fine and as you can see right in the center of the picture here is a mass of eggs. Now if the fish don't eat them and we don't have another freeze, the pond will be loaded with tadpoles soon.
I sat by the pond for a while today planning the landscaping of it. I've decided on some nice Carex Bowles Golden for around the front edge where Zoe is. The back side will have a small seating area, ferns and some sort of fence to break the wood line from the pond. I've also come up with a brain storm to build some raised beds at the skimmer end to plant perennials in. It will help to insulate as well as hide the skimmer.
Off to dream some more gardening plans up!
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